Hello. We are Resonate.

Diving deep into the world of customer experience, we have not just joined the race – we set a blazing trail. With unmatched pace, unrivaled value, and steadfast bonds, our decade-long journey challenges norms and pioneers new paradigms.

The future of Customer Experience (CX) starts right here.

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Powering experiences globally


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Includes concurrent active users all over the world.

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Based on G2’s Global Rating for SaaS Companies


Transformed Experiences

More than 50 million experiences turned into delight


Your Vision + Our Platform = Brand Advocates

All customers and employees want is to be heard. We bridge the gap between you and your customers to create brand advocates.

Our platform uses award-winning AI tools and machine learning to analyse data across interactions, including facial and text analytics to provide valuable insight, amplify strengths, and establish your front line.

What Our Customers Are Saying

We are proud to have had the opportunity to partner with the best in the business to transform more than 50 million experiences into delight.

Accelerating Delight of the World’s Best Brands

Learn about their successes through our platform.


3, 2, 1… LIFT OFF!

Are you stuck in your CX transformation? Our team ensures your enterprise blasts off with the smoothest, quickest onboarding in the industry.

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Our values are in everything we do
at Resonate Solutions

Be a Wizard

Master your craft.
Be hungry to get better at what you do each day and Keep practicing. It’s ok to break the wand. 

Make Magic

Materialise the (Im)possible.
Be relentlessly resourceful and inspire .

Enchant the Client

Captivate the client with outcomes. Make them believe in magic. Leave them spellbound and wanting more.

Power Up the Circle

Energise the team – Give more than you take. Understand the multiplier effect of great teamwork. Pay it forward. A circle is not a pyramid.

Meet the Wizards

Get to know the masterminds steering our vision and bringing unparalleled expertise to the forefront.

Who would you switch places with for a day?
A doctor who works in a third-world country or Elon Musk

Favorite Movie:

Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
A workout

Outrageous item on your bucket list:
Build my own house.

Favorite music artists:
I really like Tiaguinho(Brazilian artist), Rihanna, and Maroon 5.

Favorite TV shows:
The Big Bang Theory, Friends, That 70s Show, Seinfeld, and Everybody Loves Raymond

Hidden talent
Baking sweets

Favorite food:
Steak – blue 🙂

What do you love most about Resonate?
Always doing something new

Nickname you had as a child:

Famous person you’d swap paces with?
Keanu Reeves

Advice you’d give to younger self:
Don’t get old

Outrageous item on your bucket list:
Find an alien

Skill you’d like to learn overnight?

Favorite movie:
Her (2013)

Favorite Food:

Are you a morning or night person?
3rd option – All Day!

Hidden talent
I am Batman

One skill you’d like to learn overnight:
Learn how to be insanely good in rapping

What hobbies or activities do you enjoy in your free time?
Long walks and painting

Outrageous item on your bucket list:
Live a digital nomad life.

What skill would you like to learn?
I’d definitely learn Spanish.

Are you a morning or night person?

What’s a fun experience you had with the company?
Uno competition on the cruise

What do you love most about Resonate?
I like the challenges that I get every day and flexibility of working from home at Resonate

Famous person you’d switch places with:
Oprah Winfrey

Most memorable moment:
Saw a whale jumping at Maroubra beach on 8 Oct 2023

One item on your bucket list:

Outrageous item on your bucket list:
Getting a pet elephant

Biggest fear:

Pick one superpower:
I will make everyone rich..so everyone should enjoy their life.

Gardening, cooking, and traveling around

Favorite TV Shows:
Anime Series (too many to mention!)

Hidden talent:
I used to be a sprinter so I’m quite fast over short distances but you won’t see me running any marathons.

Favorite game:
The race track company game every Wednesday

Who is your role model?
My role model is Messi. He is the best, yet remains incredibly humble.

Dream travel destination:

Favorite celebrity:
Tom Hanks, and his “survival skills” and “luck on getting rescued”.

Watching Netflix and working out

Coffee or tea?

Superpower you’d like to have:
Teleportation (that way I could visit friends and family back home in the UK and still enjoy the sun and beaches in Australia)

Skill you’d like to learn overnight
How to operate an aircraft

Advice you’d give to younger self
Buy Bitcoin

Hidden talent:
Skiing, won a silver medal in slalom on same course as the 2006 winter Olympics

One skill you’d like to learn overnight:

Hidden talent
Horse ridding

What do you love most about Resonate?
I like the work dynamics. We can freely communicate with the bosses and collaborate with teammates.

Nickname you had as a child:

Dream travel destination
Probably a hike tour of US National Parks

What’s one thing you love about working with your team?
Top Secret

Dream travel destination?
I would love to explore some of the many islands in the Pacific.

Who is your role model?
John Wick

Tell us about your needs

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