CX Resources

Discover tips and real-life examples to make your customers’ and employees’ experiences even more delightful.

1-9 of 44 results
    • Case Study

    Rebel Case Study

    Find out how Rebel, the Super Retail Group and Resonate have been working together to drive CX throughout their organization.
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    • Case Study

    Walmart Case Study

    Retail giant Walmart sets out to integrate the voice of the customer (VoC) program into their everyday operations.
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    • Case Study

    BCF Case Study

    Discover retail success with our NPS case study on omnichannel strategy—insights for the business growth of BCF.
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    • Case Study

    Workplace Assured Case Study

    Discover Workplace Assured’s success in elevating customer experience through feedback-driven strategies
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    • Case Study

    Expedia Case Study

    Explore how Expedia focused on key drivers that enabled them to create memorable experiences for their customers.
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    • Case Study

    Sandvik Case Study

    Learn how engineering company Sandvik enhanced their customer experience with strategic insights from customer feedback.
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    • Case Study

    Tops Day Nurseries Case Study

    Discover how Tops Day Nurseries increased their NPS and Employee NPS scores through the closed-loop feedback process.
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    • Guide

    Introduction to Launching Successful CX Programs | Guide

    Learn how NPS works and understand closed-loop feedback to elevate your CX strategy.
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    • Guide

    Guide to Launching Your CX Program | Guide

    Dive into our CX guide for mastering closed-loop feedback and launching a successful CX program.
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