AI-Native Voice of the Customer Program

Implement an AI-native voice of customer program to systematically capture and analyse feedback across all touchpoints. Get rich customer experience insights to transform your organisation.

Why does Voice of the Customer matter?

Voice of the Customer (VoC) matters because it’s all about enhancing customer experience. By listening to feedback, acting on it promptly, and analysing common themes, businesses can systematically improve.

In today’s multichannel landscape, where customer experience reigns supreme as a key differentiator, a robust AI-powered VoC strategy is essential for success.

New to the
Voice of Customer?

Learn How to Launch a Successful VoC Program

This e-book serves as your primer to the world of Voice of Customer. Learn the basics of getting started so you can start measuring and understanding the customer experience.

Already Have a
VoC Program?

Learn How to Take It to the Next Level

Integral to this quick 4-page guide is the concept of the VoC journey, a foundational VoC blueprint, cultivating meaningful relationships, and understanding customer episodes with clarity and depth.

Resonate AI-Native Voice of the Customer Methodology

We believe successful VoC programs are owned by the organisation and incorporate the three types of customer experience and the movement in the relationship.

Traditional Voice of the Customer and CX programs focus on measuring and improving the interactions or touchpoints a customer has, which in turn leads to improving the overall relationship with the brand.

However, the link between the two can be opaque as the customer’s job to be done involves multiple steps. Each episode can involve different departments and delivery processes that can be murky when understanding the experience upon completion.

For example: Setting up broadband could involve purchasing online, delivery, installation, activation, and ongoing service. Although the process of purchasing and delivery may have been perfect, the activation may be delayed which could affect the overall likelihood of recommending your brand.

Measuring episodes allows you to visualise the holistic experience from the outside and improve systematically. The process of improvement is split into one-to-one and one-to-many.

Inner Loop

Empowering your frontline to understand customer experiences and then act on feedback in near real time allows you to recover a bad customer experience. Also through closing the loop frontline teams learn what the customer likes and what the customer does not like.

Doing this at scale allows you to action customer feedback, get immediate ROI, reduce churn and monetise your customer experience management program. See how you can action feedback through our VoC Platform.

Outer Loop

Empowering your frontline to understand customer experiences and then act on feedback in near real time allows you to recover a bad customer experience. Also through closing the loop frontline teams learn what the customer likes and what the customer does not like.

Doing this at scale allows you to action customer feedback, get immediate ROI, reduce churn and monetise your customer experience management program. See how you can action feedback through our VoC Platform.

Let the voice of the customer echo throughout your organisation.

Voice of the Customer programs are designed to bring the customer voice to all employee’s minds. Broadcasting feedback throughout key areas of the business such as the frontline staff, breakout rooms, executive boardrooms and other high-traffic areas plays it as a constant reminder of becoming more customer-centric.

Evolution of Voice of the Customer

VoC programs are evolving to include more than traditional NPS survey data. They are now incorporating other AI and customer verbatims that a company may hold. These include:

Complaints Data – A customer leaves behind a lot of value in the text when they lodge a complaint.
CRM data
Contact centre interaction data
Online Review Data – Bringing this unique unstructured customer data into one place to truly understand Voice of the Customer

Resonate is an expert in delivering enterprise Voice of the Customer solutions that are complex and multilayered. The platform is capable of capture omni-channel feedback, close the loop on feedback, discovering new CX insights and providing analytics to improve customer experience.

Ready to start your VoC program with AI?

See how the Resonate Platform enables you to lead your organisation to customer centricity with an AI-native Voice of the Customer program.

Let’s Make Your VoC Impactful

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