The Current State of

Retail Customers

Gain valuable insights and an in-depth understanding of customer habits in relation to their shopping at physical retail stores.

Explore detailed customer behaviours based on demographics

Learn what drives shoppers in-store

Analyse customers’ expectations when they shop in-store

Understand what encourages customers to promote a store

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Insights you can expect from this report

Recent years have brought a few changes to in-store shopping with the introduction of online shopping and advanced technology. Despite this, many consumers continue to prefer in-store shopping. This report looks at customer behaviour in brick-and-mortar stores.

  1. Explore detailed customer behaviours based on demographics
    Businesses can use information about their customers to understand what they like when they go shopping.
  2. Learn what drives shoppers in-store
    Shops want to know why people come to them and what makes them decide to buy things.
  3. Analyse customers’ expectations when they shop in-store
    Stores can make shopping better by understanding what customers want.
  4. Understand what encourages customers to promote a store
    Businesses can use the information to understand how to delight their customers and become brand ambassadors.

This report will bring valuable insights to

Our comprehensive report is designed to provide you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and drive success in the retail industry.

  • Retail executives and head managers
    This report will provide the knowledge and strategic direction necessary to optimize day-to-day retail operations, improve customer experiences, and ultimately drive sales growth.
  • Chief executives and top management
    Use the insights provided to refine business strategies, tailor brand offerings, and create personalized experiences that resonate with the target audience.
  • Business Owners and Decision Makers
    Uncover the truth about how the overall customer experience can be the difference between success and failure for your company’s bottom line and profitability.

Who We Are


We are the perfect CX Partner for you

We have everything you need to strategically track and analyse customer interactions across all touchpoints.

From finding opportunities to designing and launching your CX/ VoC, we are dedicated to being your CX partner.

Omnichannel VoC design

Root cause analysis

Episodic and Journey View

CX workflow Management


Growth begins with great customer experiences

Accelerate delight

We have everything you need to strategically track and analyse customer interactions across all touchpoints.

Differentiate with Experience

From finding opportunities to designing and launching your CX/ VoC, we are dedicated to being your CX partner.

Grow market share

From finding opportunities to designing and launching your CX/ VoC, we are dedicated to being your CX partner.

Accelerating Delightful Experiences


Start Accelerating
Customer Delight

We are passionate about driving business growth and creating a lasting competitive advantage by helping you manage delightful customer experiences.

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