RESONATE cx marketing insights report

Unlocking Growth Opportunities in Childcare: Insights for 2024

Get access to our comprehensive report unveiled at the Resonate Childcare Customer Opportunities Event in 2024.

Learn how to shape the future of childcare with our groundbreaking customer experience solutions

Understand Evolving Customer Needs

Identify Growth Opportunities

Navigate Future Childcare Services

Childcare Trends and Insight Report 2024

2nd Annual Childcare Customer Experience Event, held across Australia, New Zealand, and United Kingdom!

This exclusive gathering of key executives and C-Suite leaders from the childcare industry unveiled Resonate.CX’s latest market report on childcare, nurseries, and out-of-school hours care (OSHCs) customer experience and parent satisfaction.

Insights you can expect from the report

Uncover the Primary Reasons Parents Choose Childcare in 2024

Gain a deep understanding of how these reasons have shifted since 2022, reflecting changing societal and economic landscapes.

Reveal What Parents Value Most in Childcare Services

Explore the top priorities for parents when selecting a childcare provider in 2024.

Understand the Dynamics of Part-Time vs. Full-Time Enrollment

Uncover strategies to optimise your offerings and cater to the diverse needs of modern families.

Boost Usage, Enrollment, and Lifetime Value

Discover innovative approaches to engage parents, enhance the child’s experience, and create a loyal customer base.

Master Communication in the Digital Age

Learn how to leverage technology, personalise interactions, and build trust through effective communication strategies.

Anticipate the Needs of Future Parents

Get a head start on understanding the preferences and expectations of your future market.

Expand Your Service Offerings for Competitive Advantage

Explore additional experiences and services that parents are willing to pay for or switch providers to obtain.

The report will bring valuable insights to

Childcare centre owners and directors

Gain insights into parents’ evolving needs, enabling them to adapt services, marketing, and operations for increased enrollment, lifetime value, and competitiveness

Educational policymakers and researchers

Understand the current state and future direction of the childcare industry, informing policy decisions, resource allocation, and initiatives to improve accessibility, equity, and quality in early childhood education.


Yes! You can access the full report by signing up and we’ll send you a downloadable copy instantly.

Yes, you are welcome to share the report with your colleagues and use it for internal research purposes. We kindly request that you credit Resonate as the source by including a reference to the report title, publication year, and our website URL.

Yes! You may view to live event where we discuss the full report here.

Yes! You can download your copy here.

Yes, our team is available to provide additional support and guidance. We offer personalized demos for your specific needs. You may request for a demo here.

Related Resources


Unlocking Growth Opportunities in Childcare: Insights 2024

Get access to our comprehensive video report unveiled at the Resonate Childcare Customer Opportunities Event in 2024. 


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