Webinar: Resonate’s Market Research on

The Current State of
Retail Customers

📅 September 14, 2023 | ⏰ 12PM AEST

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This webinar will bring valuable insights to

Our comprehensive webinar is designed to provide you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and drive success in the retail industry.

  1. Explore detailed customer behaviours based on demographics
    Businesses can use information about their customers to understand what they like when they go shopping.
  2. Learn how to grow revenue addressing impulse shoppers and churns
    Executives can learn from this webinar on what to do to maximize in-store sales from last-minute buyers and to lessen attrition
  3. Understand what makes customers recommend a store
    Businesses can use the information to understand how to delight their customers and become brand ambassadors.
  4. Discover what the in-store dream experience is for customers
    Learn what elements and interactions make their shopping journey truly memorable and gratifying.

About the Speakers

Mita Bedi
Mita is a customer experience specialist, thought leader, CEO, and Co-founder of Resonate.cx. With more than 20 years of international experience in business consulting, Mita has been part of leading transformational programs that help drive revenue and competitive advantage using customer strategy.

Chris Russell
Chris is a passionate SaaS/Software and consulting leader with a diverse background in Customer Experience, digital, data, personalisation, IT Infrastructure and cyber security. With 18 years of customer-facing experience, Chris has developed a passion for building teams focused on helping customers grow revenue and adopt Customer Experience strategies that differentiate their brand in the eyes of their customers.

Who We Are


We are the perfect CX Partner for you

We have everything you need to strategically track and analyse customer interactions across all touchpoints.

From finding opportunities to designing and launching your CX/ VoC, we are dedicated to being your CX partner.

Omnichannel VoC design

Root cause analysis

Episodic and Journey View

CX workflow Management


Growth begins with great customer experiences

Accelerate delight

We have everything you need to strategically track and analyse customer interactions across all touchpoints.

Differentiate with Experience

From finding opportunities to designing and launching your CX/ VoC, we are dedicated to being your CX partner.

Grow market share

From finding opportunities to designing and launching your CX/ VoC, we are dedicated to being your CX partner.