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Net Promoter Score

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  • NPS Discussion

    3 Key Steps Before You Start An NPS Program

    By Resonate • May 9, 2018
    Have you found yourself in a place where your Feedback and NPS programs haven’t quite had the impact you hoped?
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  • When Personal Best is Not Enough! The Missing Competitive Link in NPS.

    By Jeff Carruthers • July 10, 2017
    “Every day in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it
  • Net Promoter Score – Stop Obsessing Over the Score

    By Anchalee Hasty • November 2, 2016
    For those new to Net Promoter Score (NPS), it can be easy to fall into the trap of obsessing over
  • Net Promoter Score

    Net Promoter Score® (NPS) Survey Design based on Co-creating with Customers

    By Resonate • August 19, 2016
    Net Promoter Score (NPS) based programs are established in many organisations. Most of them are using the standardised question “How likely
  • How To Design A Killer NPS Program For Retailers

    By Resonate • July 7, 2016
    Clients often ask me about designing an NPS program for a retail environment. Based on my experience, considering the emotional
  • NPS, Customer Centricity and Employee Engagement

    By Resonate • May 5, 2016
    The days, when Net Promoter Scores (NPS) were touted as a short-lived C-Suite fad, are long behind us. There is no
  • Driving-Customer-Advocacy-with-Co-creation

    Driving Customer Advocacy with Co-creation

    By Anchalee Hasty • March 31, 2016
    Most companies now understand the value of being customer centric and are focusing efforts on improving and developing programs designed