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Evolving your CX Program: 4 simple steps towards CX Success

Home » Customer Experience » Evolving your CX Program: 4 simple steps towards CX Success

Starting your journey into your first CX program implementation can be an overwhelming thought. Your plan is to keep it simple. That’s the right idea. After all, as Bruce Lee once said, “Simplicity is the key to brilliance”. But more often than not, we find that it’s really complex to keep things simple! You have a vision but then you have multiple data sources, customer journeys, interactions, personas, roles and it quickly becomes a complex spaghetti.

That is why in our experience, a staged approach works. You start small and incrementally and organically grow as you gain in CX maturity. This gives you time to see what’s working and what is not – learn and adjust accordingly. So, we’ve broken the cx implementation into stages so that you can start small and grow as you gain in maturity and confidence:

CX Maturity

Let’s look at each of these stages in more detail and see what’s involved in them.

Stage 1: Explore

Key Activities: Client

  • Identify critical moments/opportunities where CX can most help your organization.
  • Define what success looks like for the program.
  • Identify internal CX champions to lend support.
  • Define and start tracking core CX metric.
  • Start understanding feedback data within the internal team.

Key Activities: CX Partner


  • Awareness of CX language within organization.
  • Identification of key customer journeys and touchpoints.
  • Understanding of data available on customer interactions and systems involved.
  • Finalisation on key CX metric e.g. NPS, CSAT, Effort.
  • Understanding of first customer feedback and internal reactions to it.

Stage 2: Mobilize

Key Activities: Client

  • Create a strong CX core team.
  • Identify the first teams for piloting the changes.
  • Work with the impacted team for establishing the operational rhythm around customer feedback and actioning.
  • Identify gaps, adjust approach and document the learnings.

Key Activities: CX Partner

  • Support program rollout to the pilot location(s).
  • User trainings – Involve impacted people across teams, bring them along the journey, train them on how to read feedback and use it to change behaviour.


  • Identification and formation of a CX core team in the organisation.
  • Pilot runs of feedback collection across identified journeys, touchpoints and teams.
  • Closing the loop with customers across pilot teams.
  • Documented pilot learnings and change management process to support full roll out.

Stage 3: Operationalise

Key Activities: Client

Key Activities: CX Partner

  • Support program rollout across the organization through technical and domain expertise and platform.
  • Run customer success campaigns, user trainings and tech to onboard.
  • Analyse and provide insights from the data to the CX team on periodic basis.


  • Operationalising feedback process across the organisation for the identified journeys and touchpoints.
  • Identification and creation of CX working group that spans teams across the organisation.
  • Creation of customer advocates amongst leaders of the organisation.
  • Creation of governance structures to share and action on insights regularly.

Stage 4: Align

Key Activities: Client

  • Secure executive buy-in and commitment
  • Provide options for employees to share ideas and feedback on CX efforts and opportunities
  • Include customer insight and feedback requirements while iterating or designing customer journeys
  • Scale the program by bringing in other key journeys, interactions, personas into the mix

Key Activities: CX Partner

  • Support the client with identifying other key journeys for the program
  • Configure additional journeys, interactions as the program evolves
  • Create additional role specific dashboards as needed


  • Executives are bought into the value of program and look at this as a key pillar in the company strategy.
  • Vision of the program is propagated to all employees’ top-down in the organisation to drive a cultural change.
  • Insights and feedback from customers form a key input in any business decisions impacting customers.
  • Program continuously expands identifying other critical customer touchpoints and journey to start measuring.

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Written by

Madhuri Alse

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